Fixing the “-2” in WordPress Category Slugs

I was asked to look at a WordPress site that needed help with their pretty URLs. Most of them worked just fine, but a few of the categories had “-2” at the end of them, and they wanted that removed. The “-2” normally signifies that it’s a duplicate, but they did not have any duplicate categories. So what was causing the “-2”?  Continue reading “Fixing the “-2” in WordPress Category Slugs”

Hate to Love Them, Love to Hate Them

Here is my latest editorial for the April 2014 issue of php[architect] magazine:

php[architect] - April 2014

Hate to Love Them, Love to Hate Them

PHP used to be a small, inconsequential thing – a fad that would pass with time. Though some do still try, it’s not possible to say that now. PHP has come into its own, and like any large-scale entity, a set of leaders has emerged. This is not to say that every project isn’t important and useful in its own way. Everything we build has a purpose (even if it’s sometimes just to remind us what not to do). However, some projects have outpaced the others, setting the trends that the rest of us, whether we like it or not, need to follow if PHP is going to have a unified front moving forward. Continue reading “Hate to Love Them, Love to Hate Them”

Putty Unable to Use Vagrant’s Private Key

I ran into an issue where I was attempting to use Vagrant on Windows and needed to SSH into the box. When I tried to run “vagrant ssh”, I got a message saying:

`ssh` executable not found in any directories in the %PATH% variable.

It then gives some instructions for using Putty. I knew Putty was installed on this Windows box, so I pulled it up and fed in the specs it gave (host, port, username, and private key). However, when I tried to connect, I got the following error message:

Unable to use key file “C:\Users\etucker\.vagrant.d\insecure_private_key” (OpenSSH SSH-2 private key) Continue reading “Putty Unable to Use Vagrant’s Private Key”